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Guardian Angels

A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person, group, kingdom, or country from anything that can cause harm.

Guardian angels are mediators between our world, here on earth, and the Heavenly world above. Guardian angels are incredibly powerful and incredibly kind and loving. They were sent to our world to protect and guide human beings.

They are powerful against danger, able to help remove curses, spells, and help to minimize bad luck. They also have a calming effect during times of stress and give a sense of strength and courage.
They are also the bringers of good fortune and wealth. They promote good will, concentration, and help in overcoming your fears, flaws, and feelings of loneliness and depression. They are the best forms of comfort and healing.


This ring is the vessel of a powerful male guardian angel and his name is Gabriel.

He is sweet, loving, soft-spoken,loving, and kind: Once he has been adopted by the new keeper, he will bring the following into your life. * sometimes results may vary person to person​

  • Protection & Luck

  • Love & Protect Relationship

Guardian Angel Ring ( Angel Hamied. )


What can a guardian Angel do for you once its summoned:- * Thus sometimes results may vary person to person​

Business Protection

Give you fame and power


Psychic abilities

Love & Relationship Protection

Prophecy Abilities

Protection from dark spells

Luck & protection

Powerful Guardian Angel Rings Ready For Use

Guardian Angel Ring ( Angel Gabriel. )


This ring is the vessel of a powerful male guardian angel and his name is Hamied, The  Angel of Miracles.

Angel of glorious white awaits for opportunities to create miracles in our lives. Once he has been adopted by the new keeper, he will bring the following into your life. * sometimes results may vary person to person​

  • Psychic abilities

  • Business Protection

  • Protection from dark spells

Guardian Angel Ring ( Angel Tirzah. )

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